Online events are transforming the music event industry. Many people are drawn to hybrid events and music event planners are taking note of that. Online events are opening the doors to different possibilities and growth, changing the way that people are attending their favorite events. As music event planners, when you plan to stream an online event, you want to make sure that your budget and event can handle a virtual aspect. If not, it could seriously affect your event outcome.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when you’re planning to stream an online event.
1. Figure out if your event works in an online capacity
The first thing you want to do is figure out if your event can work online. Sometimes not all events work virtually and you have to use your judgment. You want to think about whether streaming an event will enhance your event altogether or take away from the atmosphere and personal goals of the event itself. Because of the way COVID-19 has affected the way people make their decisions about attending live music events, hybrid events have become exceedingly popular. More people across different backgrounds and across countries are able to stream a music event, concert, or festival from the comfort of their own homes. So it’s important that you consider whether or not your event will be enhanced and could actually support live streaming.

2. Choose the right platform to stream an online event
If you’ve decided to stream your event, you have to choose a platform to stream. Consider this step carefully because you’re basically choosing a platform to partner with in a sense. You want to make sure that they are able to support your event in the direction that you want it to go in, provide the technical support you need, and enhance your event. Choosing the right platform to stream an online event will evidently affect the way your recent is seen and consumed so do your necessary research to pick the right one.
3. Create your plans
After you’ve picked your venues and streaming platforms, and discussed important details related to the music event, you want to get started on your actual event planning and strategies. Break up different aspects of your music event into separate tasks and it will become much easier to manage and start working from. For example, create a music event plan or music event checklist to outline what the physical aspects of the event need in order to run smoothly. Then you want to develop a meticulous marketing campaign with a separate social media campaign in order to get the word out about your music event. Creating different plans for your music event or festival will ensure you don’t leave any ground uncovered and everything will run smoothly while also getting your target audiences to attend your music event.
4. Develop a clear and concise agenda
Developing a clear agenda will ensure that your event will run smoothly and won’t go overtime. When your event runs over the time that is allotted, it costs extra money so you want to make sure that everything about your event is timed accurately. Creating an event agenda will make sure that your event keeps to the task and won’t go over the time allotted. Make sure when you develop your event agenda you take note of keynote speakers or performers, describe what will take place concisely, and accurately create a timeframe for everything that will happen.

5. Begin promoting your online event
Now you want to begin promoting your online event. You want to go crazy with the marketing and social media campaign because that is how you’re going to get people to buy tickets and attend the event. Follow your carefully planned marketing and social media campaigns because they will guide you through every step. You also want to make sure that you are consistently developing and posting content on social media so your target audiences will stay interested in the event. The more that your target audience sees content about the event, the likelihood of them purchasing a ticket will increase.
6. Prepare technology and backups
Since your event will be streamed you want to ensure that everything runs smoothly, especially because technology is notorious for lags. Create a tech team that will be in charge of all the tech-related details of the event. They’ll be in charge of creating plans and expecting possible issues that might be encountered during the streaming of the event. Being prepared will reduce the likelihood of tech failures and is just good practice for every event that you manage.
7. Follow up with your attendees and staff
After the event, you want to follow up with your attendees and staff. Create a survey to get their feedback. Feedback helps you plan better events and let you know what works and what doesn’t work. Send out an online survey that is anonymous and can be quickly filled out the day after the event. You want to collect as much data as possible so you have an accurate idea about how the event went from a different perspective.
Planning events take time and when you’re thinking about streaming an event you want to make sure that you have the bandwidth to support an online event. You have to remember that there are extra steps to successfully pulling off a completely online or hybrid event. So consider these steps when you’re thinking about planning an online event. Create different ticket types for online and offline events without a hassle on Ticket Fairy.